Syntax Typology
1. By
looking at English basic constructions, how would you tell about their
grammatical relations?
2. Using
your own mother tongue as the main source of data, please describes its :
(a) Unaccusativity
(b) Passivization
1) Grammatical
Traditional grammars mark great use of the
notions of subject and object (and also of the distinction between direct and
indirect object). This largely based upon the formal distinctions of noun
phrases within a sentence. In Hanafi (2003) these grammatical relation, as they
have been called, are a marked by inflection by the case (in the traditional
sense) of the nouns, they subject being in the nominative, the direct object in
the accusative and the indirect object.
According to Hanafi (2003), Two
place verb or an active- transitive verb has two arguments which contain of
preverbal phrase functions as subject and post verbal phrase as the object. The
post verbal phrase can be promoted to the initial position. Dealing with grammatical
relation, the construction of two place verb can be analyzed in the form of
object properties as follows;
1. Object
is inside of the VP
a. She
laundries her clothes
b. Ahmad
eats his breakfast
In (a) ‘she’ S, ‘laundry’ TRAN
(ACT. laundry), and ‘her clothes’ O. (b) ‘Ahmad’ S, ‘eats’ TRAN, ‘his
breakfast’ DO.
2. Object
is outside the VP
a. The
manager position he changed
b. Ahmad
sent present to her girlfriend
In this sentences DO precedes the
subject position and its basic verb as in (a).
3. Object
is able to become grammatical subject in the passive form
a. The
new car is drive by himself
b. The
swimming pool is used by swimmer
‘The new car’ and the swimming
pool’ are become the grammatical subject in the PASSIVE verbs of ‘is drive’ and
‘is used’.
4. Object
has a case marking in case language
a. Rijal
buys four books
b. The
cat eats two fishes
c. Anis
and Nia bought two pens
This object markers with suffix s,
es and ies and the singular marker a, an to occur the accusative in the
sentence as shown as in (a) ‘Rijal’ S, ‘buy’ T-V, ‘four books’ DO. (b) ‘the
cat’ S, ‘eats’ T-V, ‘two fishes’ DO. (c) ‘Anis and Nia’ S, ‘bought’ T-V, ‘two
pens’ DO.
Intransitive construction
Intransitive construction is one of
the grammatical relations in studying of the syntax program of the language. In
this study I will answer briefly based on Prof. Hanafi grammatical relations as
tough to us as follow:
a. Andi
kick the ball
b. Lili
is lesbian
this position of subject both the name of Andi and Lili are independently without
causes of the ball and lesbian itself, or the subject are greatly independent
a. I
love my wife
b. She
missed me
c. Wahyu
has forgotten his laptop and can’t type the assignment
is the kind of subject control the reflexive pronouns as the subject, or we
call subject control co-reference.
a. Sia
wale asa ni topa lalo ba rahi na (She
angry and she hit by her husband)
subject controls of switch-reference conjunction with ni in Bimanese.
a. Sia
ngaha oha
3SG-eat. PRES
‘Dia makan nasi’
b. Ali
drink a cup of coffee
(a) is a Bimanese sentence that kind of verb agreement or subject control verb
agreement. Sia is the subject agrees
with rice that he eat. In (b) is the Subject Ali agrees with a cup of coffee. Present
a. Who
visited you last night?
b. Lia
visited Fatimah last night
(a) who is active visit. You-3SG.Adv. of time. Who is related to NP in the
sentence of ‘who visited you last night’? Who in this case is the used for
subject as a topic. You stand as the 3SG of Lia in (b).
a. I
expected she win the game
b. I
believe Lia will back home early
(a) and (b) above are the subject target of advancement process, particularly
the subject as the lower clause and move to the object of the position be in
upper clause as in ‘she’ and ‘Lia’. The sentences above can be derived with that as in ‘I expected that she win the
game’ and I believe that Lia will back home early’.
a. Arif
drive motorcycle
b. It
was Arif who drove the motorcycle
this case of intransitive construction is the subject as the relativized and
clefted. Subject marked with who in
English as in (b), or in Indonesia marker with yang e.g. ‘Arif membawa motor’ become ‘Arif yang membawa motor’. Yang
stand for relativized and clefted in this sentences.
a. Dia
sepertinya orang yang kaya raya
b. Sepertinya
dia orang kaya raya
this NP the subject is a lower clause of the respect as in the sentence (a) but
the subject can be appears at the higher clause as in the (b). This kind of
subject is called undergoes raising which is function as the raising clause.
a. Mother
received the message from Ida
this model of intransitive construction the subject as the receives a minimal
case-marking as in (a) ‘Mother’ as Subject, ‘received’ as V-Past, ‘the message’
IO ‘Ida’ DO.
a. Rudi climbed the mountain
b. The
robber rob the bank
c. The
dog barking at the thief
sentences above are the kind of subject as the agent in an unmarked
construction of the NP. The agent is the doing of the action in refer to the
basic sentences as in (a) ‘Rudi’ is the agent, ‘climbed’ is the PAST-V, ‘the
mountain’ NP.
a ditransitive verb deals with
three arguments; subject, direct object, and indirect object.
1. Direct
object is inside the VP
a. The
students studied their English notes
b. We
visited Ahmad and Rijal
c. Meri
sang a song
In this study shows above are the
direct object inside the verb phrase. To classify the sentence in (a) ‘the
student’ S, ‘studied their English’ ACT-V, ‘notes’ DO. (b) ‘we’ S, ‘visited’
ACT-V, ‘Ahmad and Rijal’ DO. (c) ‘Meri’ S, ‘sang’ ACT-V, ‘a song’ DO.
2. Direct
object followed by Indirect Object
a. Ahmad
accepted the present from his friend
b. Rahma
gave a book to Rijal
c. Mom
brought a new game to Tim and Tom
this case of sentence DO come first and follows by IO and marks by the
preposition. To identify the sentences above as in (a) ‘Ahmad’ S, ‘accepted’
ACT-V, ‘the present’ DO, ‘from’ PP, ‘his friend’ IO. (b) ‘Rahma’ S, ‘gave’
ACT-V, ‘a book’ DO, ‘to’ PP, ‘Rijal’ IO. (c) ‘Mom’ S, ‘brought’ ACT-V, ‘a new
game’ DO, ‘to’ PP, ‘Tim and Tom’ IO.
3. Direct
object preceded by indirect object
a. Rahma
gave a book to Rijal
b. Rahma
gave Rijal a book
sentences above shows that in (b) DO is precede by IO while in (a) is the basic
construction of DO and IO.
4. Direct
object can be a grammatical S in the passive form
a. PT.
Pos Indonesia sent Rijal book
b. Rijal
book was sent by PT. Pos Indonesia
the first sentence (a) is active sentence or basic construction of DO, and in
(b) is the passive correspondence or a canonical passive marker. In
classification of (a) ‘PT Pos Indonesia’ S, ‘sent’ ACT-V-TRAN, ‘Rijal’
3-SG.POSS, ‘book’ DO. And in (b) Rijal book’ 3SG.POSS, ‘was’ to be past, ‘sent’
PASS-V-TRAN, ‘by’ Prep, ‘PT. Pos Indonesia’ DO.
5. Direct
object has a case marking in case language
a. La
Rudi membei na la Rijal piti
(Rudi give Rijal money)
sentence above is Bimanese language marked with na to indicate the DO.
of mother tongue :
is intransitive verb whose surface subject is an underlying direct object.
Trask(1993) in Hanafi(2003). There are three types of unaccusativity according
Hanafi as follow:
verb derivation
The Bimanese intransitive verb
unmarked morphology.
a. Maru
‘to sleep’
b. Rai
‘to run’
c. Tu’u
‘to stand’
d. Lao
‘to go’
Bimanese nasal intransitive verbs.
a. Ngoa
‘to tell’
b. Ngau
‘to brave’
c. Ngawa
‘to want’
d. Ngala
‘to separate’
Bimanese intransitive verbs with na-prefix
derive from noun.
a. Kani
‘clothes’ = nakani ‘to dress’
b. Tembe
‘sarong’ = nalombo ‘to cover’
c. Cafi
‘bras’ = nacafi ‘to clean’
The Bimanese unaccausative-unerogative
a. Suma wa’u maru
Suma was sleep
‘Suma was sleep’
b. Wa’u
mai Suma
Has come Suma
‘Suma has come’
The Bimanese S function as an agent-like
and patient-like in the intransitive verbs unergative and unaccusative.
syntactic test
Based on hanafi’s syntactic test in
unaccusativity that the S and O of transitively become A (Agent-like) and P
(patient-like). Let’s look in Bimanese language used below by using prefix ka and suffix na :
a. Rangga ka-rai-na sapede
Rangga ACT drive-TRAN cycle
‘Rangga driving cycle’
b. Hima ka-mbi’a-na ni’u
Hima ACT break-TRAN coconut
‘Hima made the coconut break’
c. Ni’u mbi’a
Coconut break
‘The coconut break’
In this study I would like to write
the affixes in the transivization of Bimanese one place verb construction
according to Hanafi book (2003).
a. Rina
Rina ACT.buy-TRAN sarong
‘Rina bought sarong’
b. Sarong wa’u colana
The sarong DEF
‘The sarong was paid’
c. Ahmad kempa-na ncai
Ahmad ACT.close-TRAN door
‘Ahmad shut the door’
a. Rudi
ra-topa-na ana-na
‘Rudi hit his son’
b. Rudi
topa ana-na
Rudi hit his son
‘Rudi hit his son
According to Hanafi (1999), passive properties
include; the subject of passive clause is a direct object in corresponding
active, the subject of active clause is expressed in the adjunct in passive
clause or deleted, the subject of active clause is expressed as an obligatory
agent without the preposition in the passive clause, and the verb in passive
clause can be marked passive or unmarked
Ø Passive properties
1. Active
a. Ina
mbako-na oha
3SG ACT.cook rice
‘Mother cook rice’
b. Oha
waura mbako ba
Rice was
ACT.cook by 3SG
‘Rice was cook by mother’
c. Oha
waura mbako
Rice was ACT.cook
‘Rice was cook’
a. Oha ra mbako ba ina
Rice is ACT.cook by
‘Rice is cooking by mother’
b. Oha ede mbako ba ina
Rice DEF
ACT.cook by 3SG
was cooked by mother’
c. Oha akara wauna mbako ba ina
Rice has
been ACT.cook by
‘Rice has been cook by mother’
Ø Canonical Passives
a. Siadoho ka-tu’u
mena-na uma
3PL PASS.build together house
build together the house’
b. Uma ka-tu’u ba siadoho
PASS.build by 3PL
‘House is build by them’
c. Uma ede
ba siadoho
DET PASS.build by
house was built by them’
canonical passives marked with ka as
shows at the sentences above. In the first sentence is the active using ka and na , in the second sentence is the passive by using prefix ka also shows at the last sentences.
Ø Inverted passive
a. Rahma
3SG ACT.watch TV
watches TV’
b. Sia karai-na sepeda ede
ACT.drive cycle DEF
‘He drive that cycle’
c. Ngao ngaha-na uta
Cat ACT.eat fish
cat eats fish’
Bima language inverted
verb can be used to form passive where grammatical subject is demoted to the
final position precedes the verb.
a. Oha ina-ma mbako
Rice 3SG
mother cook’
b. Uta ngao-ma ngaha
Fish cat eats
cat eats’
c. Bakso
ngaha nahu
ball ACT.V I
ball I eat’
Ø Accidental passive
a. La Hima na-lampa-si nari-nari
PASS.walk slowly
‘Hima walked slowly’
b. Sia ede ma-aho tu’u maru
3SG was PASS.late wake
‘He was late to wake up’
c. Ama ma-lemba fare
3SG PASS.brings rice
‘Ama brings the rice’
Accidental passive in Bimanese is
marked with prefix na, and ma. as shows at the (a), (b), and (c)
above. In the sentence (a) suffix si it marker of the passive lampa-si combine with the prefix na.
Ø Adversative passive
a. Dou
ra-bedi-si ba polisi
2PL AD-shot-LOC by
‘The thief shut by police’
b. Nahu ra-mbo,o ku wunga rai
1SG AD-fall-LOC running
‘I was fall when running’
c. Fatimah ra-nduku-si ba Ama-na
3SG AD-hit-LOC by
her father
In Bimanese language adversative passive
derives as shown at the sentences above. The passive verbs in Bimanese
adversative marked with a confix ra-si at sentences (a), (b), and (c).